WOD-April 12th

Warm Up
5o Jumping Forward Jumping Jacks
Then 3 rounds
7 Inchworm to shoulder tap to push up
7 Groiners
14 Good Mornings
14 Jumping Air Squats

“Painkiller WOD”
This is as tough as you make it. Do with 2 gallon jugs, plate, dumbbells, or some type of weighted items.
50 Deadlifts
75 Shoulder To Overhead
100 Front Rack Lunges
75 Shoulder To Overhead
50 Deadlifts
Every 2 mins must complete 5 body armor burpees. Start with body armor burpees at 0:00.

By |2020-04-07T18:29:41-04:00April 11th, 2020|WOD|0 Comments

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