
Workout of the Day – July 27th


- WORKOUT OF THE DAY - 2 Rounds For Time: (Teams of 2) 60 Calorie Echo Bike 50 GHD Sit-ups 40 DB Box Step-ups @ 35s/50s 30 Handstand Push-Ups 20 Pull-Ups 10 DB Devil Press [...]

Workout of the Day – July 26th


- STRENGTH - Pulling Accessory 5 sets: 5 Mixed Grip Strict Pull-ups 10 Bent Over Rows @ RPE 7 *w/barbell *Take your time. - WORKOUT OF THE DAY - EMOM 20: Min 1: Max Power [...]

Workout of the Day – July 25th


- STRENGTH - Overhead Work 5 sets: 2 Snatch Grip Push Press + 8 Overhead Squats @ RPE 5 *Move the bar well. The goal here is to improve positions & squatting capacity overall. *Use [...]

Workout of the Day – July 24th


- BIKE & CARRIES INTERVALS - Every 2:00 x 5 rounds: 12/9 Cal Echo Bike 50’ Sandbag Bearhug Carry @ HEAVY *Should be a hard pace here. Looking for :30-:45 sec of rest here. *50’ [...]

Workout of the Day – July 23rd


- STRENGTH - Olympic Lifting + Plyo EMOM x 10: 3 Low Hang Power Clean @ RPE 6-6.5 5 High Box Jumps @ tall box *different minutes. - WORKOUT OF THE DAY - For Time: [...]

Workout of the Day – July 22nd


- STRENGTH - Push + Plyo 5 sets: 6 Bench Press @ RPE 7 6-8 Ring Push-ups *Working on some pressing volume here. *Same weight across. - WORKOUT OF THE DAY - 3 Rounds For [...]

Workout of the Day – July 20th


- WORKOUT OF THE DAY - For Time: (Teams of 2) Buy in: 1,200 Meter Run *switch @ 600m Then: 3 Rounds: 30 Deadlifts @ 155/105 15 Synchro Front Squats @ 155/105 30 Box Jump [...]

Workout of the day – July 19th


- STRENGTH - 5 sets: 5 Strict Chin-ups 10 Bent Over Rows @ RPE 6 *w/barbell 5 Ring Rows w/pause @ chest *Take your time. - WORKOUT OF THE DAY - For Time: 3 Rounds [...]

Workout of the Day – July 18th


- STRENGTH - Overhead Work 5 sets: 3 Snatch Grip Push Press + 7 Overhead Squats @ RPE 5 *Move the bar well. The goal here is to improve positions & squatting capacity overall. *Use [...]

Workout of the Day – July 17th


- STRENGTH - Bike & Carries Intervals Every 2:00 x 5 rounds: 15/12 Cal Echo Bike 100’ DB Farmer Carries @ HEAVY *Should be a hard pace here. Looking for :30-:45 sec of rest here. [...]

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