WOD-November 20th

Warm Up
Coaches Warm Up

“Andrew Harper”
For Time Complete:
Cash-In: 1,000 meter Run/row/ski
4 Rounds of:
28 Burpees
28 Pull-Ups
28 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
28 AbMat Sit-Ups
28 Air Squats
28 Push-Ups
28 Alternating Jumping Lunges
28 Double-Unders
Cash-Out: 1,000 meter Run/row/ski

This Hero WOD is dedicated to PC Andrew Harper who paid the ultimate price in the line of duty on August 15, 2019. Harper, a rapid response police officer with the Thames Valley roads and traffic command (UK) was killed after he was struck by a car while trying to stop burglary suspects near Reading just four weeks after his wedding.

His wife, Lissie, released a tribute to him on Monday night, August 19, 2019, calling him “the kindest, loveliest, most selfless person”.

We first found this workout posted by CrossFit Fallow @crossfitfallow (Lincoln, UK) 3 days after his passing. The WOD was designed by Ellie Drakes and Martin James (a CrossFit Fallow member and fellow police officer) to honor Andrew.

By |2019-11-19T22:15:41-05:00November 19th, 2019|WOD|0 Comments

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