Max Height Box Jumps
Hero Wod
“Weston Lee”
For Time:
800 Meter Burden Carry (w/sandbag)
29 Burpee Pull-Ups
4 Rope Climbs
29 Rings Dips
29 Burpee Box Jumps (30/24 in)
800 Meter Burden Carry (w/Sandbag)
RX: with weight vest
Background: LT Weston Lee was killed in action in Mosul, Iraq the morning of April 29, 2017.
1LT was there serving as a platoon leader in the 82nd Airborne Division’s Second Brigade
Combat Team. He died from wounds sustained from the detonation of an improvised explosive
device (IED).
Weston, as a brother, man, and warrior, was larger than life. Among his fraternity and University,
Weston has left a legacy characterized by duty, sacrifice, and selfless service.
Weston was a brother of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity, in the Georgia Delta Chapter at the
University of North Georgia. Our chapter has the goal of establishing an SAE scholarship in
Weston’s name, in hopes of rewarding young men who live Weston’s legacy of dedication and
This workout was designed by Coach Dillon Burns of CrossFit West Des Moines
@crossfitwestdesmoines (Des Moines, IO, USA) after several close friends who were in Iraq
during the incident reached out to honor him with this WOD.
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