Strict Press
4 sets of 5 at 65%
Superset with 20 Strict KB Rows (10 per side)
4 Rounds
For max reps at each station, score is total reps for workout*
Min 1: 200 M Sprint
Min 2: Uneven DB Walking Lunge (one DB Overhead one DB in suitcase positon)
Min 3: Single Arm DB Clean and Jerk (from hang) 5L,5R and switch
Min 4: L Sit hold (from rig or Paralette)
Min 5: DB Push Press
*50 seconds work: 10 seconds to transition
Fitness: Hollow hold 15/25 DB
Performance: 35/50
Elite: 50/70, Medball L Sit hold from Rig or weighted L Sit hold on Paralette
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